Saturday 26 September 2009

Iris Folded Rocking Horse

Hi! Janice here. This was a little card that my mother and I made for our little birthday girl Emily turning 1 this year. This is an iris fold Horse pattern. The template was taken from which features many types of creative crafts like Iris Folding and Card Making! The first time I made an iris fold pattern was for art class. It was a project where we had to go to seaside so I made some Iris Folds with help from my mum.

Thursday 24 September 2009

Hermoine's Hat

This fabulous pattern came from JL Yarnworks, do check her site out. Although the actual Hermoine's (from Harry Potter, need I say it?) hat was grey in colour, I used white as that was what I had handy. Most hat patterns that I've tried always turned out to be 'wrong' for the size of my head which is in between the usual adult and child size but this one fit great so I might just splash out and get proper yarn and make another one!